15U TLS Royals


Name Position Contact
Nathan Noble Coordinator 15u@paminorbaseball.com



15U TLS Royals - Coordinator Nathan Noble president@paminotbaseball.com

Game Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays (May 1st - June 26th)

Fee: $335.00

15U Players born 2010-11

SBA rules and pitch count are used.

Games are played on Lypchuk Field at the Kinsmen Baseball Complex @ Crescent Acres and in Shellbrook and Birch Hills.

Games are played on Tuesday / Thursday

Teams will practice 4-5 times in May as well as play 4-5 games.  June will consist of more games with some practices at the discretion of the coach.

Players need baseball pants, glove, helmet, bat, cleats and a water bottle.



15U - Tues/Thur
May Practice 1, 6, 8, 20 15-17 games           8 practices
May Games 13, 15, 22, 27, 29
June Games 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26
Double Headers 4


Register NOW

 Financial assistance available through:


15U TLS Royals Provincial Team

This opportunity is for 15U players with better than average abilities, looking for additional practices, coaching, tournament play and entry into the Provincial Level playoffs in July.  The head coach for the team

will be Jason Van Otterloo.  He can be contacted at vanotterloo@hotmail.com if you have any questions.  Tryouts will be held March 15/16 and March 22/23 with training starting March 30.  The team will train at least once a week in April, ramping this up from May-July.

Extra fees will apply, as this team will also be creating a team budget. Travel is required. The team will enter into various AAA and AA tournaments in May, June and July.

15U Tier 1 AA Provincial Team Roster 2025 Click Here

15U Tier 2-6 Provincial Team Roster 2025 Click Here

Provincial Team Financial Policy Click Here


Other 15U Opportunities:

For more information on Baseball Sask ID camps, please click the link below.

15u selects ID camp


15U Division Manual Download Here

15U Coaches Practice Manual Download Here

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